Friday 13 July 2012

July update, mise a jour juillet

Hello everyone, since i'm sitting in a hospital bed mending my legs , not from A dirt bike accident but from an attack of killer poison ivy. I might as well get some info out about what's up with the isde. First,I had to trade bikes and go with a ktm 300exc. Some will say its the same as a berg, but riding a blue ktm was somehow better to me. Its not i could not get a berg, its they could not tell me what berg i would be riding. Husaberg for some reason is changing there 300, and will not tell a soul what it will be like until less then a month before the isde. Bike hire limit is june... At least the ktm is really nice and has all the bells stock. But orange? Lol ishhh! Back to the poison ivy,we broke a leaf spring on the fith wheel and i had to parked over this nasty plant. Long story short, its 4 days in the hospital and typing a blog on an iphone. And they say dirt bikes are dangerous for sure they know nothing about leaf spring hazards. Other than this tidbit, things are going well, me and Joel Lepley, spent a week in Michigan trying are best to ride our bikes into the ground, we even had the girls out playing gas truck since we decided to do a 2 rider 130km 100% single track enduro under 40c heat. Joel started talking about the mexican beer I had at the truck and it was only halfway. This guy in his mid- 60's will out ride a bunch of riders half his age. All this riding was in Michigan,i plan to retire there its paradise for 16 bucks a year You can ride all the single track your body or spare time will allow. We raced snowshoe gncc again, pretty happy with finishing this year plus inside (9) top ten in the 30+a class. It was much dryer and easier track then past years. Lack of rain will do that. That's why it will rain 6 days straight in Germany, isde's need to be epic and impossible imo, Muriel is now calling me the rain man lol. Francais maintenant, j'ai pas d'excuses j'ai du temps pour traduire assis dans un lit d'hopitale pour soigner mes jambes qui ont ete attaque par de l'herbe a puce, un homme ordinaire serait certainement mort...;) Ceux qui lise les deux langues tant mieux le texte est pas identique :p Bon, pour le isde, pas de berg. Pourquoi? Berg, ne veulent pas dire les specs du nouveau modele avant le devoilement un mois avant les 6 jours. La date limite pour reserver est juin...pas savoir rien sur une moto ca marche pas, tu peux meme pas preparer une liste de pieces! Donc j'ai pris un 300 exc 2013, les specs sont sortis et l'edition 6jours a absolument tout ce que je voulais. Sauf psd en bleu, orange c'est plate, ton bike est comme 80% des autres humains ordinaires;) A part l'hopitale l'entrainement va bien, Au Michigan moi et Joel Lepley on a rouler en malade, les filles nous fesait meme un gas truck pour faire des loop de 130km, maudit Joel est encore capable d'en faire du bike...Les jeunes se mettent a pleurer bien avant qu'il decide de revenir au campe! Snowshoe 2012, on avait une grosse delegation fmsq cette annee. J'ai finalement terminer, top 10(9) 30+A . Content, mais c'etait trop facile cette annee, pas de pluie et la track moins longue. Snowshoe se dit la course la plus tough en Amerique, l'annee derniere oui, mais pas en 2012, le cord va etre plus tough c'est garantie. Les isde aussi car je predis 6 jours de pluie et de frette noir! A+